CueMol is a computer program for the macromolecular structure visualization (CueMol was formerly called "Que").
CueMol's aims are to visualize and create the publication-quality images of the macromolecular structures with user-friendly interfaces. You can find sample images created by CueMol in Gallery page.
Currently supported files are molecular coordinates (PDB format),
electron density (CCP4, CNS , and MTZ formats),
MSMS surface data,
and APBS electrostatic potential map (OpenDX format).
Powered by Mozilla XULRunner, the application framework of Firefox and Thunderbird (and other mozilla-based application as well), CueMol2 now runs under both Windows, MacOS X, and Linux in a similar GUI appearance.

Please send any comments, questions, or requests about CueMol to

Follow @cuemolnohito on Twitter
What's new?
- 2025/1/16
- Released v2.3.0.454. See Updates page for detail.
- 2015/10/2
- Released version for Windows and MacOS X. Version contains bug in the installation process, so please update to the new version! Changes are listed in Updates page.
- 2015/9/26
- Released version for Windows and MacOS X. Changes are listed in Updates page.
- 2015/6/26
- Released version for Windows and MacOS X.
- 2015/3/23
- Released version for Windows and MacOS X.
- 2014/12/21
- Released version for Windows and MacOS X.
- 2014/7/30
- Released version for Windows and MacOS X.
- 2014/7/6
- Released version for Windows and MacOS X.
- 2014/6/20
- Released version for Windows and MacOS X.
- 2014/6/11
- Released version for Windows and MacOS X. Bug fix version (including the bug related to the electron density map display).
- 2014/6/8
- Released version for Windows and MacOS X.
Main functions
- Advanced GUI:
- Tab-based molecular views
- Support for multi-molecular scenes
- Copy&paste of objects (across different scenes)
- Support for the complete undo/redo operations (with respect to each scene)
- Supported data formats:
- Molecular coordinates in PDB
- Electron density map in X-PLOR/CNS (ascii), CCP4 MTZ and MAP formats
- Molecular surface (MSMS format)
- APBS electrostatic potential map (OpenDX format)
- Store and restore of the scene in XML-based format
- Supported display:
- Basic molecular display functions (ball-and-stick model, CPK model, etc)
- Cartoon model display with tunable interpolation smoothness
- Edge rendering (with more tunable parameters than PyMOL's one)
- Solvent-excluded molecular surface (including the generation of the cross-section)
- Electron density rendering using GPU shader (mesh and volume rendering)
- Geometric object (solid/dashed lines)
- Animation functions:
- Simple spin
- Camera motion
- Display fade in/out
- Structure morphing
- Inter-operation with external programs
- Electrostatic potential calculation using APBS and PDB2PQR
- Rendering using POV-Ray
- Movie creation using FFmpeg