Series 2.3.0
Series 2.2.3
- Implemented SDF format molecule file reader
- Implemented MOL2 format molecule file reader
- FIXED: Composite renderers are not shown in the renderer-selection dialog opened from PDB-fetch menu.
- FIXED: Atoms becomes unclickable after doing ssm-superpose
- Edge lines now become (semi)transparent according to the color of the belonging triangle edges. This enables "segment end fadeout" display of the ribbon and cartoons with edge lines.
- Error in the "Mol Superpose" dialog of auto-recenter checkbox is fixed.
- APBS and PDB2PQR are now also bundled in the MacOSX release.
- Multi-gradient coloring for isosurf and molsurf renderers was implemented.
- GUI for editing the multi-gradient coloring was implemented.(cuemol2/MultiGrad)
- GUI for changing the grid spacing of FFT to arbitrary number was implemented in the MTZ file reader dialog.
- Mol surface cutter was improved to allow cutting by multiple intersecting planes.
- MolSurf object generator of the isosurf renderer was improved to create the meshes with closed boundaries.
- Maxop prop of symm renderer was implemented to limit the maximum number of symmetry operators to be rendered.
- Zoom-in action for scalar-field objects was implemented.
- GUI for changing the PBC option of map renderers was implemented.
- Contour level setting by absolute value was implemented for mesh and isosurf renderes.
- The default behaviour of the mol selection widget was improved.
- Bug fixes:
- FIXED: The rendering settings (especially, projection type) are not saved after closing the dialog in the pov-ray rendering dialog.
- FIXED: Renderers using opengl shader function are not displayed after deleting one of the views in the multi-view mode.
- FIXED: Child processes spawned from CueMol does not inherit env vars, such as LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
- Several molecule editor functions were implemented. (cuemol2/MolEdit)
- Changing the chain name operation was implemented.
- Changing the residue index operation was implemented.
- Delete operation of the selected atoms was implemented.
- Merge operation from one to another molecule objects was implemented.
- You can now select the download site for PDB and density map in the fetch PDB GUI. cuemol2/FetchPDB
- The max extent of the isosurf renderer works correctly. In the property dialog of the isosurf renderer, GUI for changing the max extent for the isosurf renderer was implemented.
- Bug fixes:
- FIXED: Cannot copy multiple renderers in the workspace panel.
- FIXED: Cannot load PSE file generated pymol version 1.7.6 and later.
- FIXED: The max extent value in the density map panel is not updated, when the bufsize prop of the mapmesh renderer is changed.
- FIXED: Points noise are displayed in the pov-ray rendering of the MapSurfRenderer.
- FIXED: Preview OpenGL edge rendering of the MapSurfRenderer is not displayed correctly.
- FIXED: xformMat property of MolCoord object does not work correctly for the embeded molecule in the qsc file.
- FIXED: Change of the xformMat property of MolCoord object is ignored by the ribbon, cartoon, and namelabel renderers
- FIXED: Sequence panel's contents are not displayed after loading the PDB file.
- FIXED: Default duration of the new anim objs becomes zero.
- FIXED: Animation slider does not work correctly.
- BUGFIX: Crashes when creating symmetry-related molecule
- "show unit-cell" button was added in the density panel.
- Now coordinates files are fetched from RCSB web site in the mmCIF format that supports large molecules.
- Internal representation unit of the time value was changed from milli-second to nano-second to increase the animation precision.
- You can now specify start/end cap properties separately in the atomintr renderer settings. (documents??)
- You can now copy the amino-acid seqences in the sequence panel in text format (cuemol2/SequenceDisplayPanel).
- Pre-view of the edge rendering for cylinder of ballstick was implemented.
- You can mix the opaque edge lines and semitransparent surfaces (document??)
- xform_mat property of objects was implemented (document?)
- BUGFIX: Load of OpenDX format file generated other than APBS fails by "Invalid map format" exception.
- BUGFIX: Animation rendering (and CueMol app itself) crashes when rendering applications (ffmpeg, povray) cannot be launched in MacOS X.
- BUGFIX: The chains containing residues with non-descendent order are not displayed correctly in the sequence panel.
- BUGFIX: Sequence and name are misaligned when a large number of molecules and chains are loaded in the sequence panel.
- BUGFIX: Drag&drop of multiple files does not work correctly.
- BUGFIX: CPK renderer is not displayed in GDI-generic implementation of windows OpenGL.
- BUGFIX: Atoms outside the slab planes are clickable.
- BUGFIX: CPK renderer does not support color proofing
- BUGFIX: Alpha (transparency) notation of color syntax does not function correctly (cuemol2/ColorSyntax)
- Improvements of dsurface renderer (To do: documentation)
- Back-face display option for dsurface renderer were implemented
- The electrostatic potential coloring mode for the dsurface renderer was implemented.
- Electrostatic potential coloring option for dsurface renderer were implemented
- The property to change the ramp-above value for electrostatic coloring was implemented.
- Back-face display of molsurf and dsurface renderers are turned on by default (when edge/silhouette line is disabled)
- The option for the protein secondary structure assignment was implemented to eliminate a small segment of coils between helices (cylinders) in the cartoon renderer (cuemol2/Prot2ndryStr)
- The selection renderer is now auto-created by changing selection.
- gpu_mapmesh render now supports transparency and line width properties
- The implementation of the atom picking routine was improved
- The donwload source of electron density map was changed from EDS to EBI server
- RectSelection tool now works correctly, when the selection rect spans more than two molecules.
- BUGFIX: POV-Ray Rendering crashes when the scene contains dot surface (molsurf renderer with dot display mode)
- BUGFIX: Hi/Mid/Lo colors in the Elepot color panel don't work
- BUGFIX: LuxRender exporter outputs spheres with smaller than the actual sizes
- BUGFIX: Import of PyMOL session file containing negative number residues fails by exception
- BUGFIX: User-defined color names do not appear in color picker GUI of the solid coloring
- BUGFIX: Double bonds are not correctly displayed when the coordinates contain hydrogen atoms
- Supported 64bit version (Windows 7 and later)
- Supported reading molecular coordinates in mmCIF file format
- Implemented new qsc file format (version 2), with LZMA (xz) compression and new molecular structure format (without limitation of atom number, residue number, chain name length, etc).
- Implemented "reset to default style" menu in the coloring panel.
- Implemented GUI for setting cylinder helix properties of Cartoon renderer.
- Separated the detail values of sections to those of helix, sheet, and coil in GUI of cartoon renderer settings.
- Added new LuxRender background types (plane and box)
- BUGFIX: Electrostatic potential coloring of the surface renderes does not correctly work if there are more than two potential objects and surface objects.
- BUGFIX: Changing the coloring of the trace renderers from the coloring panel GUI does not work correctly.
- BUGFIX: The context menu of dark/light-CPK coloring in the scene panel do not use styles.
- BUGFIX: Hydrogen atom of hydroxyl groups (HO3', etc) recognized as Ho (holmium) atom
- BUGFIX: Atom data corupts when large mol was saved into the qsc (ver1) file.
Series 2.2.2
- BUGFIX: Support for Windows XP
- BUGFIX: Fixed bug in the Windows version installer
- BUGFIX: Support for MacOS X 10.6 and later
- BUGFIX: PDB file reader cannot read SSBOND record without trailing spaces
- BUGFIX: Pov file rendering fails with spheres with nearly-zero radius
- BUGFIX: Animation rendering dialogbox does not remember the output prefix
- XULRunner is updated to version 39.0
Build environment for Win32 is updated to VS2013
Build environment for MacOS X is updated to clang-6.1 (Xcode 6.4)
- Implementation of density map loader by PDB ID from EDS server (see: cuemol2/FetchPDB)
- Implementation of chain or secondary-structure based coloring in RainbowColoring class
- Implementation of sequence display panel (see: cuemol2/SequenceDisplayPanel)
- Implementation of ribbon style helix rendering by CartoonRenderer (see: cuemol2/CartoonRenderer)
- Support for MRC-type map file
- Rendering of spheres and cylinders (cpk and ballstick renderers) using GL shader (see: cuemol2/CPKRenderer and cuemol2/BallStickRenderer)
- Dropped the support for the CueMol2 ActiveX control in the Windows version.
Other releases
Japanese page
Translation of Japanese version (Updates) by Google